This is a list of tasks that need doing on the Ice Age Village Wiki. Please add any tasks not here that need doing and remove ones you have done. In addition, if you want to do a certain task, please write your name next to the task in bold, so we can see who is doing what.
Tasks that need doing now (or in the near future) so we do not lose any information.
- Update animal/fun stuff/decoration page lists with Summer 2015 items + Giganotosaurus.
- Update animal count with Summer 2015 animals (and Camel + Walrus + Cassowary + Giganotosaurus).
Tasks to do with animals and their respective pages.
- Each animal page needs to be perfect (or close). This may need to be a group effort. See Ice Age Village Wiki:Animal Page Layout for how pages should be written. If anyone has any problems with this layout, feel free to comment.
- Update hatching times: there are no hatch times beyond 24 hours anymore. [Potential group work]
- Add habitat categories to all animals.
- Some newer animal pages need to have the title in the infobox capitalized.
Fun Stuff[]
- Each page needs to be perfect (or close).
- Another layout page for fun stuff needs to be created (like Ice Age Village Wiki:Animal Page Layout).
- Some newer fun stuff pages need to have the title in the infobox capitalized.
- Each page needs to be perfect (or close).
- Another layout page for decorations needs to be created (like Ice Age Village Wiki:Animal Page Layout).
- Some newer deco pages need to have the title in the infobox capitalized.
Tasks to do with editing and uploading images.
- Upload images with no background for every adult animal.
- Upload all baby images.
- Upload images with no background for decorations.
- Upload images with no background for fun stuff.
- Pics of every level of Hyrax Tree and Holiday Kits
- Upload habitat pictures for habitat page (like this) - backgrounds removed.
- MASSIVE TASK: rename all images with non-descriptive names to better names. We also need a standard for the names of new images being uploaded (for animals/fun stuff/decos, I would just suggest the name of the item with no spaces and a capital at the very beginning e.g.: "Cherryblossomelk.png". But from when we decide this standard, all images must follow this.
- All links need to be capitalized (even when not at start of sentence). (e.g.: Animals)