Ice Age Village Wiki

The Shop is where you buy items for your village. Gameloft frequently offers limited-time promotions on items, so check your Shop any time you play - if there is a red sale tag on the Shop icon, there's either a sale or a limited item availabe!


This section of the Shop displays any items that have newly become available to you - either because you have leveled up, or there has been a Game Update that added new items to the Shop. If there is a limited-time item, it will be listed first until you buy one.


This section displays Animals you don't have yet. This includes remaining family members of incomplete families displayed in your village (not those in your inventory). This section also does not include any animals that cost Hearts .

As long as you purchase the first family member of a limited animal while it is available, the remaining family members will stay available in your Shop and you will be able to complete the family at any time, even after the limited time period expires. This is true even of limited animals sold in Holiday Stores - because once you purchase the first member, the animal moves to the regular Shop and no longer costs Holiday Tokens.

Whenever there is a sale tag on the Shop and you don't see anything on sale in the Shop itself, then the sale item must be an animal that no longer appears in your Shop. The sale could either be on an animal whose family you've already completed or one that has been placed in your inventory. If you have any incomplete families in inventory, place them in your village and then check the animal section of the shop to see if they are the sale animal. 

The following table shows discounts that have been given in the past.

Animal Normal Price Past Discount Prices
Blue Crab 375 Acorns 150 Acorns
Brown Mammoth 80 Acorns 20 and 40 Acorns
Chipmunk 200 Acorns 80, 100, and 120 Acorns
Crab 25,000,000 Coins 5,000,000 Coins
Dodo Bird 225 Acorns 135 and 90 Acorns
Flying Dino 105 Acorns 52 and 75 Acorns
Fox 90 Acorns 45 Acorns
Gravelbeast 75 Acorns 19 Acorns
Gray T-Rex 175 Acorns 44 Acorns
Leopard 85 Acorns 30 Acorns
Metri 30 Acorns 15 Acorns
Monkey 100 Acorns 25 Acorns
Orange Aardvark 30 Acorns 15 Acorns
Pink Ostrich 20 Acorns 10 Acorns
Piranha 50 Acorns 12 and 15 Acorns
Polar Bear 90 Acorns  45 and 65 Acorns
Rhino 50 Acorns 13 and 25 Acorns
Shark 210 Acorns 60 Acorns
Steggy 70 Acorns 1000
Theropod 500 Acorns 125, 200, 290, and 300 Acorns
Triceratops 140 Acorns 40, 50 and 70 Acorns
Weasel 60 Acorns 30 Acorns
Wooly Rhino 60 Acorns 15 and 30 Acorns

Fun Stuff[]

This section displays available Fun Buildings, except those that cost Hearts .


This section displays available Decorations, except those that cost Hearts .

When there is a limited decoration, as long as you buy one while it is available, that item will remain available in your Shop even after the limited time expires. You will then be able to buy more of that item if you want to do so at a later time. This ONLY applies to limited items in the regular Shop - you will NOT be able to continue buying items from Holiday Stores after the holiday ends.


This section displays any available animals, fun buildings, or decorations that cost Hearts .


The Special section displays a few miscellaneous items that simply don't belong in the other categories - Kung Fu Scrat, Sid's Egg RescueMovie Theater, Hyrax TreeSnowman Holiday Kit, Painting Patch, and Collect Frenzy tokens. See the linked pages for more information!
